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Hi guys Many of you are probably OFAH members and I respect that, I am in fact a former member myself. You may have read some of my objections to this organisation, I would like to here others opinions, I'm not a judge and I hope you guy,s/ girls won't judge your peers, just be honest. This is sorta a thing to go with Arons post on do you think we need lobbying group and if the OFAH is fullfilling that goal

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They have a real NICE building in Peterborough! It's all I know, never been a member, never will be. I have no sour grapes and don't whine... but typing "corruption in the OFAH" into Google was interesting...

Out of the first three pages it gave me this is the only one it returned to do with the OFAH at all :dunno:


It all sounds kosher to me.

Got this one in the mail/facebook today which is similar



In fact if you think the OFAH is doing little these days just visit their website and browse around



I don't like their sales push on insurance but I'm otherwise happy. But I'd like to see some backing to canadudes other claims. If he has solid evidence I'll flee but I'm guessing its here-say, innuendo and rumours.

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I won't say the OFAH is perfect. In fact there isn't an organization on the continent that hasn't suffered some measure of scandal and embarassment. Nor is there one that is lily white without at least one skeleton in it's closet. It's part of human nature. We aren't perfect, so how can anything we create be perfect.

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Dude the letter to the Prime Minister is good for 2007, how'd he make out hahahahahaha


the Website again makes me sick, there a group who are trying to be the voice of our resources and what do I see Hats/ t-shirts/ CRAP ! come on we need a voice not a sales page. Loging on to the website only makes my digruntlness further. They sell shirts& crap sell us the anglers& hunters thats what the OFAH was incorporated to do. If you want to be a voice do it , don't use it to line your pockets. DAN tell me from looking at that website you can't see the comercialism, the voice crap is second to the nice hats/ shirts. Dude OFAH is a freaking scam

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Dude I have 2 things to say to you.


1: If we all made noise like you still do the OFAH would be a huge force to reckon with. Unfortunately the anglers and hunters have become too complacent and getting them to write a letter or bring a logical argument to an outreach meeting is like pulling teeth. Why should we speak when we pay the OFAH to do it for us right? Sorry dude but your one of the last whoopass hands on guys out there.


2: If you form a group and be the leader I'll join until they shut you down. Governments know we are complacent and won't rise up. They know they can do stuff without our approval and if you approach them banging your fist on the table like old scholl they'll dismiss you. Diplomacy is important because you don't have 81,000 members behind you and neither does the OFAH. They have 80,ooo magazine subscribers and a thousand active fist bangers. That doesn't scare anybody. If you can get the entire membership here to send a letter for any cause here then I'll vote for you for the OFAH president's position.


Sad but true Dude. I've got your back but don't aim your guns at the OFAH. Light a fire under the lazy asses of the majority it's members and todays outdoorsman in general

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Dude I have 2 things to say to you.


1: If we all made noise like you still do the OFAH would be a huge force to reckon with. Unfortunately the anglers and hunters have become too complacent and getting them to write a letter or bring a logical argument to an outreach meeting is like pulling teeth. Why should we speak when we pay the OFAH to do it for us right? Sorry dude but your one of the last whoopass hands on guys out there.


2: If you form a group and be the leader I'll join until they shut you down. Governments know we are complacent and won't rise up. They know they can do stuff without our approval and if you approach them banging your fist on the table like old scholl they'll dismiss you. Diplomacy is important because you don't have 81,000 members behind you and neither does the OFAH. They have 80,ooo magazine subscribers and a thousand active fist bangers. That doesn't scare anybody. If you can get the entire membership here to send a letter for any cause here then I'll vote for you for the OFAH president's position.


Sad but true Dude. I've got your back but don't aim your guns at the OFAH. Light a fire under the lazy asses of the majority it's members and todays outdoorsman in general


have you ever been to a ofah zone meeting ???? i have .. if you ask a question they say it does not concern me.... when they tell me they are getting .52 cents a km to drive to these meetings and complain it is no enough money that there trucks burn more fuel than that. thats a 104 dollars to drive to port hope from toronto for a meeting . if you cant fuel your truck for that there is something wrong .. when they had paying jobs to people and pay them cash and tell them to file there own t4 slips .. when i made a suggestion for them to file t4a forms they said not a chance... it goes on and on ..

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I'll light my backside to whom ever I see fit, and yes I will call down the OFAH as I see fit, I'll aim my guns at them because IMO there herting the chance for ontario fisheries. IMO again there not out to help or be a voice for the ontario/ hunter but in fact are out to make a profit and not lobby the govenment. They are in fact in bed with the government and using us as ploy to furhter the proftiability of OFAH. ( this cannot be used in a court of law it's only my opinnion)

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Dude I have 2 things to say to you.


1: If we all made noise like you still do the OFAH would be a huge force to reckon with. Unfortunately the anglers and hunters have become too complacent and getting them to write a letter or bring a logical argument to an outreach meeting is like pulling teeth. Why should we speak when we pay the OFAH to do it for us right? Sorry dude but your one of the last whoopass hands on guys out there.


2: If you form a group and be the leader I'll join until they shut you down. Governments know we are complacent and won't rise up. They know they can do stuff without our approval and if you approach them banging your fist on the table like old scholl they'll dismiss you. Diplomacy is important because you don't have 81,000 members behind you and neither does the OFAH. They have 80,ooo magazine subscribers and a thousand active fist bangers. That doesn't scare anybody. If you can get the entire membership here to send a letter for any cause here then I'll vote for you for the OFAH president's position.


Sad but true Dude. I've got your back but don't aim your guns at the OFAH. Light a fire under the lazy asses of the majority it's members and todays outdoorsman in general

sounds like a OFAH oath....did they give ya a sawastika hahahaha , no just a hat hahahahaha


and a promise to make your first born an OFAH member hahahahah

Edited by canadadude
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I love salmon fishing, and although not a member of ofah, I believe they did an admirable job running ringwood the last 5 years, I am deeply saddened that they chose not to continue there involvement in ringwood. Improved feed for fingerlings and a signifigant improvement in chinook size has occurred during there involvement, the land deal sounds shady but overall a thumbs up

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I love salmon fishing, and although not a member of ofah, I believe they did an admirable job running ringwood the last 5 years, I am deeply saddened that they chose not to continue there involvement in ringwood. Improved feed for fingerlings and a signifigant improvement in chinook size has occurred during there involvement, the land deal sounds shady but overall a thumbs up

Ringwood will survive without the OFAH, it is a members run hatchery and they run it without publicity they do it for the province somthing the OFAH dosn't understand, it's not to make money ringwood is for the people,. Unfortunatly if they can't make money the OFAH is gone, but don't worry there the voice for Ontario. We,re hunters & fishers by heart so send us more money because I need a 2012 4x4 idiots can't scam money with my 2011 hahahahahah

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they are not participating in ringwood??? but this quote is from the ofah "Community partnerships are the way of the future, and in the outdoors community, O.F.A.H. partners know that investing in the Ringwood Hatchery is the right thing to do for the future health of our fisheries.



Mike Reader

O.F.A.H. Executive Director

The Ringwood hatchery raises all of the Chinook salmon that Ontario plants into Lake Ontario, as well as several thousand rainbow trout annually. Additionally, the facility will be supplying all of the Atlantic salmon that are being re-introduced into the Lake Ontario watershed. if they are not involved in this project what are they doing to keep fishing in ontario.... if they drop it like some have said where is there fishing involvement


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Please, stop 'herting' the fisheries.


Have a good one boys. Not an OFAH member.. never really believed they had a voice in anything when I saw the amount of free product they're giving away to get people to join. Credit card companies use the same marketing.

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John (canadude) are you outa bed yet or are you still hungover from last night?


You two aren't even in the same year of events are you? You don't even know where our fish come from let alone be able to cast stones at the OFAH/MEA members that volunteered to raise our last year of coho's. Guys you complained when we took on the task and you'll likely go on a drunken rant when we give it back to the MNR.


So the next time someone wants to talk to the voice of hunters and anglers just bring a Micky of vodka to Port Dalhousie and ask for John. Maybe bring him a copy of Ontario Out of Doors magazine so he can catch up on recent events before forming his opinion. :stretcher:


Tell ya what. I'm glad you plant trees as part of your community service and you definitely do voice your opinion but instead of bashing anyone who doesn't meet your expectations, provide us with an alternative based on their own merits. I have seen two other orgs try to promote themselves by cutting up what the OFAH does but never promoted themselves on their own merits. This was sad because they had some good things happening and just needed more active outdoor minded people to make it better. Instead they chose your route and took the negative road which attracts very few like minded people.


If you don't like the OFAH start something new I dare you. See if you can do better. If you do I will join. Until then cutting up the OFAH is just cutting up it's members because they can't do anything without our backing. If more of it's 100,000 or whatever number got off the keyboard and actually did something to help that website would likely be ad free.

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I believe that all in all the OFAH is a good thing for anglers and hunters. I think that without it a powerful voice would be lost and we would be treated as more of an minor annoyance than anything else. There are millions of voters in this province that don't know what or how we do what we do or even remotely care.

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